Month: December 2012

First interview of the year

Talanta Radio Show has joined the APL cause. On Thursday, January 10th, 2013, Dorothy Machira (main host) interviewed president Carolina over the phone. The radio show takes place internationally, from California to Kenya, and is heard all over the world through the internet. Listen to the whole interview “Dad, I’m off to Haiti” by clicking below:

Off to Haiti, once again!

President Carolina and sister Lidia are off to Haiti! In this second trip, they will meet up with Leidy Amarante and Rafael Perez-Yan to work with the students over the month of December 2012. Taking with them the donations collected over the last 6 months, the APL team plans on holding English/Spanish lessons for the course of two weeks in the Anse-a-Pitres. Keep the Tavárez sisters in your prayers as they travel for a day and a half from California to Dominican Republic.

Thank you for your upload